staff member of the month
LBMS staff members of the month are Daniel Pepper and Melanie Jones.
LBMS August Students of the Month:
At Long Beach Middle School, our students work hard every day to meet their personal goals. We are proud of these scholars for exceeding our expectations, and appreciate that they are helping our school be a fantastic place to learn and grow as we "GROOVE into GREATNESS!" #5houses1family
**Paratum: **Jai Anna Ellzey and Jordyn Jarreau
Quantum: Lizzie Barlow and Willian Quinn
**Mutunci: **Katie Bloom and Josh Hanlon
**Fidum: **Madden Winchester and Drake Helton
**Nitimini: **Jude Nudo and Dariana Gorman
The LBMS Cheerleaders are hosting a "Fall Ball" school dance on Friday, September 13. Only LBMS students may attend. Attire is "Sunday Best" (dresses, colored shirts/pants), dress code applies. Buy tickets from Ms. Brisolara in C Hall. Students must be picked up by 8:00 PM in the front car rider line.
Looking for a fun family activity? Join us for Bearcat Bingo Night! Come out to LBMS on Tuesday, September 17th for our Bearcat Bingo Night! Doors open at 5:00 PM, games start at 5:30 PM. LBMS Cafeteria. Cost: $2 per bingo card or $6 for 10 cards Enjoy: Pizza Drinks Candy Popcorn Win: Gift cards! Don't miss out on this fun-filled night. See you there! #LBMS #BearcatBingo #FamilyNight